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Bus info

We apologize for the late text, but we are trying to get this information to you as far in advance of tomorrow morning as possible.
Due to several driver emergencies striking at the same time, several of our buses will be having lateness issues with pick-ups in the morning, as well as afternoon drop-offs.
IN THE MORNING– children who ride 2013 (ALL campuses) will be picked up late. It could be anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes late depending on several contributing factors, including traffic. We advise you to wait patiently; a bus IS coming, and we WILL be making all stops on all routes.

2013 SAB stops will be picked up by either 2014 or 2015. As a domino effect, SCPA/SCA routes 2014 & 2015 will also be affected and running 20+ minutes late.

2013 SCPA/SCA will be picked up by 1707 and possibly 2014 or 2015 as well.

Everyone, please exercise patience as we navigate this unfortunate circumstance. Our best advice would be to make alternate arrangements to get your child to school or to be at the stop on time and wait patiently. A Somerset Bus WILL show up for the children.
All children arriving late will be given time to get their breakfast in the cafeteria, and they will be issued an excused tardy.

IN THE AFTERNOON – Children who ride 2013 (ALL campuses) will be late arriving at their stops in the afternoon. We currently can not say how late they will be. We are guessing 30 minutes or more.

2013 SAB children will be split by stops and delivered by the same buses that picked them up in the morning, be it 2014 or 2015.

2013 SCPA/SCA and 1704 SCPA/SCA will be late arriving to their stops in the afternoon.

We are very sorry for this unforeseen situation, and we will do the best we can, under the circumstances, to get your child home to you as quickly AND SAFELY as possible.

Thank you for your understanding

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