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Jennifer Douglas

Visual Arts Department Head

Visual Arts Teacher

National Art Honors Society Co-Adviser

B.S. Ed., Art Education, 1995 

M.A. Ed., Curriculum & Instruction, 2010

Practicing Artist

Mrs. Douglas is completing her 28th year teaching visual art. Her classes include Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Honors Drawing 3, HS 2D Design, AP 2D Art & Design & AP Drawing.

Her History: Mrs. Douglas has taught a full range of media including, 2D arts, 3D arts, Art History, Digital Arts, AP Art & Photography at the high school level for 24 years. Previously, she taught middle school art for 2 years and elementary art right out of college a LONG time ago. 

Her classes are VERY structured around learning/applying skill in beginning levels, As levels advance, more creativity & problem solving are encouraged & expected. Her teaching methods are based on a scaffold approach to learning. Expectations in focus & behavior are VERY HIGH.

Mrs. Douglas teaches AP Art 2D Design & AP Drawing. She has a 100% passing rate for all the years she has taught these college level courses at Somerset College Prep! HIGH EXPECTATIONS EVERYDAY.

As to be expected, art classes require lots of materials, so if you are interested in donating to support her classroom, please feel free to visit her classroom wish list on Amazon:

Most needed items currently are paper towels & baby wipes for clean up. She will give extra credit for these items or volunteer hours if that is preferred. Just bring in a receipt to show cost. The volunteer hours are rewarded as 1 hour for every $10 spent. She cannot give volunteer hours without a receipt. Thank you for considering. She is always desperate for these items because art is messy! smile #beanartnerd

CLASS SYLLABI LINKS: (Print, Sign & Intial all parts as directed. Turn in no later than 08/19/24 for a grade.

Drawing 1:

Drawing 2:

2D Design 2 (FALL)/AP Art 2D Design & AP Drawing (SPRING):

Painting 1:

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