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Kariann Passaro

Teacher - Middle School Math

A.A. Criminal Justice

B.S. Criminal Justice

Florida Certification for Mathematics Grades 5-9

Hello everyone! 

I graduated from SCPA in 2016 as part of our first graduating class. I stayed local at IRSC to earn my A.A. and B.S. in Criminal Justice. During this time, I also coached the Spartan Varsity Sideline & Competition Cheerleading team for five seasons between 2016/2017 school year to 2020/2021 school year. In 2019, I started to work at SCPA as a full-time substitute/office staff and a couple years later, I officially made the move into the classroom to teach middle school math full-time. Once a Spartan, always a Spartan!!

Syllabus - Fall 2024

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