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Lauri Quick
Theater Teacher
B.S. in Secondary Education, Emphasis in English 6-12
M.of Ed in Media, Design, and Technology

My heart has always had an innate desire to help people learn; whether it was Sassy, Jackie, or Sid, I was determined they were going to learn how to read. While I did get tons of licks, kisses, and tail wags from all the attention I was giving to my three favorite students, they were not the most successful students I have ever taught--they failed reading but passed in the boundless energy and patience subjects. My life has been filled with a rather adventurous path in the teaching field. I had this belief that teaching could only happen within four walls, with a chalkboard and desks present. It wasn't until I found myself in the middle of 200 acres of land on a high ropes course or facilitating a group of 6th graders through a land of hot lava rivers, being chased by oopa-loopas over the Zig-Zag course that I realized I was teaching. Maybe not English, but I was teaching the value of respect for each others' different opinions and ideas, the importance of the 4 C's of teamwork--communicating, concentrating, committing to the solution, and cooperating with everyone was going to be the only way to save the entire team.

In 1993, I graduated from Florida State University with a B.S. degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in English. I continued my educational journey by substitute teaching throughout Leon and Wakulla counties from 1993-1996. In August of 1996, I was hired at Wakulla High School to teach the 9th & 10th grade English classes and was asked to be the Newspaper sponsor.

In the Fall of 1997, I continued my educational journey, and in January of 1998, I discovered the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches and their Camping Services programs. I began as a Program Leader for their Leadership Retreat for Middle Schoolers doing Project Harmony.  This step in my adventure had me learning so much about myself, what I was capable of, how to write various camp activities curricula that met school or rental group needs, how to research grant opportunities, how to make connections, and how to build relationships with community partners and supervising staff. I eventually became the Assistant Camp Director at Caruth and Youth Camps, the Mobile Camp Director, and the Youth Camp Director from 1998 to 2015. I traveled throughout the State of Florida recruiting summer camp staff and participated in workshops at State and National conferences for the American Camp Association; no longer needed to create camp material, now I focused on training material to train staff to keep children safe and engaged. While at the Youth Ranches, I returned to school and completed the Master of Education in Media, Design, and Technology from Full Sail University (Dec 2013).

In 2015, health issues caused me to take my journey home and to heal. In 2016, it was time to see if what I had learned in the woods about Classroom Management and the confidence I had gained in myself and my abilities could handle again going into a classroom. I re-entered the classroom to work with the students and families who had decided to go the Virtual Education route in the Wakulla district.  At the end of the school year, I wanted to see what else I could learn, and I found another unusual spot for learning how to teach: a prison.

This leg of my adventure is not one I will ever forget and will cherish my experience in my professional development.  Having the opportunity to help adult men achieve their GED, to see their surprise and pride on their faces as I was able to tell them they had passed, as we both knew how much we had struggled earlier connecting a skill to a solution is something that has left a deep impression.

So, how did I get to St. Lucie County? At the beginning of 2019, I had another health setback and ended up with a third surgery. In May of 2019, I found the Facebook ad for Somerset College Prep, I was on my way to a Teacher Job Fair, and I was contacted to set up an Zoom interview. We talked, I accepted and in July 2019, I packed my little Forte and joined Somerset College Prep Academy.   

As I start my 6th year here at Somerset College Prep, I have had the wonderful opportunity to continue learning through the flexibility of being able to teach a wide range of classes, whether it has been the different varieties of Theater classes, Computer classes, Debate, Peer Counseling, and even 6th grade ELA, I have enjoyed each class and have learned much. I am grateful for administration for allowing me to explore these opportunities and helping me to find my niche--Theater.  I'm looking forward to this year and what we can accomplish,  how creative and imaginative your child will be, and how awesome your child will grow as we journey through the fears of being on stage, people looking at us, not being 'dramatic', and having fun just being silly.  I know we will learn much on this adventure.  

I can be reached at:

Class Syllabus: 
1st & 5th Periods: MS Theater Syllabus
2nd & 6th Periods: Technical & Design Theater
3rd & 7th Periods: HS Theater Syllabus
4th & 8th Periods:Musical Theater Syllabus

2024-2025 Theater Classes Info Video

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