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RC Reynolds

Electrical: Career & Technical Education Instructor


My name is RC Reynolds. I am currently the Electrical Career and Technical Education Instructor here at SCPA. Most recently, I have accepted the reponsibilities to sponsor and host SCPA’s first D&D club.

This is my 7th year teaching in the public charter schools setting. I have taught a variety of social sciences for 6th to 12th grades, supported special education for our K-12th grades across both SCPA and SAB campuses, and frequently utilize my skills in the vocation trades to support the needs of SCA, SCPA, and SAB.

Prior to my current career in education, I have twelve years of experience in the electrcial trade and ten years in criminal justice.

Syllabus - Building Trades and Construction Design Technology -- Reynolds

Syllabus - Electricity 1-8

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